Thursday 3 March 2022


 Back to the county this morning with a walk around Barnwell CP and Oundle being the order of the day. Weatherwise it was rather pleasant though flooded areas told of the rainfall that has dogged recent days. Nothing too exciting to report with just the usual selection of regulars on view.

Siskin, Mandarin, Wren and Marsh Tit

Two drake and a female Mandarin Ducks were my first at Barnwell for a while and are perhaps returning breeding birds. A Cetti's Warbler was present around Mill Lake and two male Reed Buntings were in song. Other birds here included a good number of Redwings, a dozen or so Siskins and Marsh Tit. A walk along the river to the floods near Barnwell Lock produced nothing out of the ordinary but did deliver good numbers of Wigeon including the leucistic bird. A double figure count of Shovellers was noted and plenty of Teal remain. A brace of Snipe were joined by a hundred or so Lapwing. Water levels remain high so I'm hoping they draw in a few waders over the next month or so and perhaps Garganey too - fingers crossed!

Long-tailed Tit, Wigeon, Dabchicks and Redwing

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