Sunday 27 March 2022

Misty Beginning

 Alan Shorrock and I ventured out into the mist this morning with the intention of heading out to Eyebrook Res. We thought it best to pay a call to one of the sites here in Corby to give the fog a chance to lift. Our plan did work out though in fairness it was not one of our more interesting excursions with little sign of any migration taking place.

Fallow Deer and Red Kite

Our stop at an industrial site in Corby produced a sighting of a Ringed Plover which was the only bird sighting of interest here. A herd of about ten Fallow Deer were lurking in the fog though they didn't hang around for too long before moving on. We followed their example soon after and headed over to Eyebrook where visibility was pretty good.

Record shot dross - Scaup and Slavonian Grebe

From the car park at Stoke Dry we found a female Scaup snoozing out in the middle, I'm not sure what this species does that makes them so tired but most of the ones that I see are having a kip. Also showing from the same spot was the Slavonian Grebe that has been present here for several weeks. Initially it was out in the middle but fishing boat activity drove it close to the Rutland Bank where it was lost to view. It was visible again later from the opposite shore but the views were far from great. While watching the grebe a Raven gave good views as it flew past whilst being pursued by a crow. Not much else to report today, there were seven Pintail on site but bird numbers in general seemed low. Apologies for the poor quality pics but poor light and distance made things somewhat challenging.

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