Sunday 2 January 2022

Travels Around Lincolnshire

 My brother David and I set off for the wilds of Lincolnshire this morning beginning at the RSPB's reserve at Frampton. Last night's rain had thankfully moved on leaving a lovely sunny spell in its wake though the wet stuff did return later in the day. While we didn't encounter anything out of the ordinary there was still a good selection of birds to enjoy.

Frampton selection.

My brother picked out one of the highlights of the morning when he discovered a Peregrine perched on a distant fence post. The bird which we judged to be a female clearly liked this spot as it stayed here for over an hour. There was plenty of food on offer for her here with thousands of Wigeon, Lapwings and Golden Plovers providing most of the potential buffet. Best ducks here were a small number of Pintails while other interesting wildfowl included plenty of Brent Geese and also a single Pink-foot that dropped in briefly. There were not many waders other than the plovers but we did note Ruffs, Dunlins, Curlews, Black-tailed Godwits and Redshanks. A nice and close male Stonechat provided most of the passerine interest as he fed next to the path.

Goosander and Cattle Egret

Next stop was at Deeping Lakes where we failed to find any of the Long-eared Owls that this site is known for. It wasn't a total waste of time however as we managed to see two drake and two duck Goosanders from one of the hides. Also on view even if only distantly was a Cattle Egret that was favouring the corner of one of the lakes. We made one more stop at Tallington Lakes where reported goodies here included Ring-necked Duck, Scaup and Shag. No luck whatsoever with any of these though there was some quality compensation in the form of a small flock of Red Crested Pochards comprising of eight drakes and a single female. After a meal in the on site restaurant we packed up for the day and headed home.

Red Crested Pochards.

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