My brother David and I left county this morning to look for Otters at Ferry Meadows country park near Peterborough. Apparently they have been performing rather well of late though they sadly didn't show for us today. One had been seen before we arrived but it had, rather rudely in my opinion, done a bunk by the time we pitched up. Much as it did yesterday fog was an issue though unlike then it did not show much sign of lifting.
Although those pesky Otters let us down the walk was not totally without interest and we heard and saw Siskins at several points along our route. While walking along to one of the otter 'ot spots a pair of Ring-necked Parakeets flew over and were my first for several years. During our fruitless wait for the stars to perform we were treated to excellent views of a very confiding Grey Heron. It allowed a very close approach as it stalked its prey and we watched it swallow a large fish. While it had been very tolerant of watchers, walkers and dogs a park vehicle finally made it take wing. Also very welcome and particularly so on such a dull day was the appearance of a Kingfisher which made two flypasts during our stay. We left after a while resolving to return when viewing conditions are a little clearer and the park a little less busy.
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