Wednesday 26 January 2022

Short And Sunny Stroll

 Nice to see the sun again this morning after what have been a dismal few days. With my shift pattern having changed I had a bit of time available before work and went for a walk around the area near the STW. Nothing too exciting to report but it's always nice to get out.

Blue and Great Tits.

Several Teal were present on the ponds while a few Siskins were also noted. Other than that it was down to the commoner species to provide the entertainment. Very vocal Great Tits dominated the soundtrack though Blue Tits were fairly noisy too. The characteristic yaffling calls of a Green Woodpecker rang out periodically and both Greenfinches and Bullfinches were also seen. Not much else to mention apart from a barking Muntjac which was lurking somewhere in the undergrowth.


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