Monday, 9 November 2020

More Fog

 A case of deja vu this morning as a peek out of the curtains revealed that another foggy start was on the cards. In fairness it cleared a lot quicker than yesterday's dose did leaving a pleasantly mild and clear morning. I was hoping that there might be a bit more sun today but although it did put in the odd appearance there was not enough to bring out any late dragons or damsels. My travels only took me as far as Weldon, I'm trying to avoid public transport or lifts while we go through this latest lockdown.

Weldon - here be dogs.

I began near the sewage works where things were a lot quieter than of late. Once again a small party of Teal were on the ponds and the usual Grey Wagtail paid a visit but there was little else to report. Weldon too was a little on the dull side with only a small selection of birds on view. Both Redwings and Fieldfares were present in small numbers feeding on the many berries festooning the bushes. A few Redpolls were noted as was a small flock of Siskins as I waited in vain for a sustained period of sunshine. As I was seeing far more pooches and their owners than wildlife I decided to call it a day and head home.

Red Kite, Mallard and Robin.

Yesterday I claimed to have seen several small moths flitting around Priors Hall when in fact they were caddis flies. I'd never knowingly seen the adults before so was grateful when my stringy shenanigans were corrected on Facebook. I put my new found knowledge to the test again today when I saw a couple more on the wing.

Not a moth as claimed yesterday but a caddis fly.

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