Monday 16 November 2020


 A rather drab day with only the occasional spell of hazy sunshine to brighten things up a bit. It took quite a while for me to summon enough enthusiasm to venture out though in the end I managed to find enough to take a walk over towards the area near the sewage works.

Interest free zone!

A Buzzard and a Red Kite served as the welcoming committee on my arrival though the many Redwings feeding in the area seemed distinctly unhappy with the raptors' low passes. Joining the Redwings and Blackbirds were a few Fieldfares taking advantage of what appears to be a bumper crop of haws. Plenty of Goldfinches were present on site and there were also a few Bullfinches. Once again half a dozen Teal were on the ponds and a Grey Wagtail flew over. With little else of note I decided to abandon ship and head home, you can't win them all.

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