Sunday 15 November 2020

End of the Road?

 Quite a pleasant day once the early morning rain had moved on to leave a sunny if blowy sort of afternoon. After an uneventful stroll around Willowbrook Industrial Estate I moved on to Priors Hall where things proved to be a little more interesting though not by much!


Best bird at Priors was my first Woodcock of the Autumn which was flushed from pines near the ponds. An echo of the past summer in the shape of a Chiffchaff was heard calling, it may well go on to winter in the area. Not too many other birds to mention aside from a few Siskins and a large flock of Lapwings in the quarry.

Common Darter before and after my heroic rescue efforts.

With so much sunshine on offer I spent some time looking for late season dragons and I met with some success. At least twenty Common Darters were flitting around in sheltered spots and I moved one cold looking male to a sunnier spot where it might survive for a little longer. Try as I might I couldn't find any other species and with temperatures looking set to lower it could well be the end of the season. Having said that Common Darters really are pretty tough little characters so there could yet be a sighting or two before the curtain finally comes down.

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