Wednesday 11 November 2020

More of the Same

 I'm having a couple of days off to celebrate my wife's birthday but allowed myself a couple of hours break from the celebrations for a stroll around Brookfield Plantation in Corby. Both the weather and birding matched my most recent days out by being a little on the dull side and there was little in the way of interest to report.


The plantation was pretty quiet and I only encountered several tit flocks on my travels though they did include Marsh Tits in amongst them. Finches featured too on the list with small numbers of Siskins and a few Redpolls being outshone by a single Brambling. Aside from the usual winter thrushes the only other wildlife of note was a small herd of Fallow Deer that ran across one of the rides. Nearby things picked up a tad with a sighting of one of the local Peregrines at a nearby site.

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