Thursday 12 November 2020

Welcome Back Old Sun

 Sunshine made a welcome return today making my last day off an enjoyable experience. I began with a short walk near the sewage works before heading off down to Weldon. While it was not the most productive of days it was at least better than my more recent excursions have been.

Starling and Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Not for the first time Teal and Grey Wagtail were on view near the STW though numbers of winter thrushes had dropped quite a bit. Some signs of movement were in evidence with Meadow Pipit and a site rarity Yellowhammer passing overhead.

Common Darters.

I arrived at Weldon just before eleven and began to see the hoped for dragonflies almost immediately. Common Darters are usually the last species on the wing so it was not a surprise to find ten plus flitting around the pond. More surprising were the two or three Migrant Hawkers flying around the reedbed as these are the latest ones that I've ever seen. Sadly I could only manage one dreadful picture but that was at least it was one more picture than I got of a male Southern Hawker which put in a brief appearance. Seeing three species of dragons this late in the season is unprecedented for me and must be due to the mild Autumn that we've enjoyed so far. I tried to make it four by searching for Willow Emeralds but did not manage to find any. Best birds were a flock of about ten Redpolls while other wildlife included a late Carder Bee.

Migrant Hawker (honest!) and Carder Bee.

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