Saturday 9 May 2020

Resting My Weary Feet

After a few days with plenty of walking involved I thought that it might be a good idea to stay a little closer to home. I chose to wander along to Brookfield Plantation passing across the rough grassland at Cockerell Road on the way.

Brown Argus and Small Copper.

Small Heaths are now beginning to increase and five were seen on the industrial estate. Another species that is becoming commoner is Common Blue with five or six here and another in Brookfield. This is turning out to be an excellent year for Dingy Skippers, as well as seeing about five at Cockerell Road I saw one near the power station and yet another in Brookfield Plantation.  A brace of Brown Argus were my first for the year taking my year list up to eighteen. Also showing in the same area were two Small Coppers and some Small Whites as well. One other species was observed and that was a tatty looking Small Tortoiseshell sunning itself on some nettles.

Common Blue and Dingy Skipper.

Brookfield was by comparison fairly quiet though a female Broad-bodied Chaser was a welcome sighting as I tend not to see that many of them. Two Large Red Damselflies were the only other odes on view today. Best butterfly in the plantation was a Grizzled Skipper which was my first for this site though I have been looking for them on recent visits. Large White, Speckled Wood and orange-tip were the other species seen on my visit.

Small White and Broad-bodied Chaser.

Best bird was a Peregrine in its usual spot and there were also a few Swifts zooming above Stephenson's Way.


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