Monday, 11 May 2020

Changeable and Variable

Yesterday was a stay at home sort of day with the weather having taken a decided turn for the worst. Today offered a slightly better prospect and it was enough to persuade me to take a stroll down to Weldon. Sunny spells tempted a few damsels out along the stream but it wasn't sunny enough for the dog walking masses so I enjoyed a pleasantly quiet walk.

Female Variable Damselfly.

My first damselfly was also the most interesting, a female Variable  which was sitting out one of the duller phases on the stem of some Cow Parsley. I was lucky enough to catch up with her again when the weather took a turn for the sunnier a little later on. Now present in growing numbers are Azure Damselflies, these are one of the commonest early species along the stream. More Banded Demoiselles are showing and these included at least one female which in my opinion are a more attractive insect than the males. Final species on today's list was a single Large Red Damselfly.

Female Banded Demoiselle and Orange-tip.

Only one butterfly was noted today and that was a male Orange-tip which was gamely clinging on to the top of some Cow Parsley during one of the breezier spells. No interesting birds were observed apart from a single Grey Wagtail in Corby Old Village.

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