A weekend visit to Priors Hall where the mainly cloudy conditions didn't help very much. Nothing new to report as many insects appeared to stay hidden and very few birds were noted either. Of those birds that did show a Cuckoo was the best, if it's the same one then it must have been here for at least three weeks now. Sand Martins and Lapwings were also observed but sadly little else.
Four-spotted Chaser and Cinnabar Moth. |
Half a dozen Four-spotted Chasers were flushed as I walked around the site and a single Hairy Damselfly ventured out during one of the sunnier spells. Plenty of Blue-tailed Damselflies were emerging, I always find this species to be more tolerant of clouds than others. Two other damsels were seen and they were Large Red and Azure, about six of each were found.
Grizzled Skipper and Small Heath. |
Butterflies were for the most part fairly scarce though Dingy Skipper bucked the trend with around forty on the wing. Only one Grizzled was observed while Common Blue and Small Heath fared a little better with five or so of each recorded. Not much in the way of other wildlife about today either though a Common Lizard was a welcome find.
Good job he wasn't arrive for VE day! |
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