Saturday, 30 May 2020

Annual Pilgrimage

Black Hairstreaks have emerged a little earlier than usual this year and news of this was reason enough to take a trip over to Glapthorn Cow Pasture. Given that I also wanted to have another peek at Priors Hall in case the Downy Emerald was still about I left bright and early hoping to pull off a winning double. I began my day at Lower Benefield from where I took a stroll along the gated road towards the cow pasture.

Black Hairstreak and Scarce Chaser.

My day began with a sighting of a male Broad-bodied Chaser close to the village, I think that 2020 has been the best year for this species which I often struggle to see. At Glapthorn I and a couple of people from Norfolk managed to find half a dozen Black Hairstreaks fairly quickly though they didn't settle for any length of time. A potential hazard for these rare butterflies came in the shape of an immature Scarce Chaser which had taken up station on twigs close to where they were flitting around. Other stuff seen in the reserve included a Garden Warbler, a Speckled Wood and a Common Blue Damselfly.

Broad-bodied and Four-spotted Chaser.

Returning to Lower Benefield I added Small Tortoiseshell and a couple of Orange-tips  to my day list before heading along to Priors Hall. Rather than introduce any element of dramatic tension I'll come out right away and say that the Downy Emerald did not show today despite the best efforts of myself and the seemingly resident Mr Alan Shorrock. What did show were a couple of male Scarce Chasers and a female that Shozzer saw before I arrived. As I said in a previous post it seems that species is becoming less scarce with each passing year, both males appeared to be holding territory despite the fact that Priors Hall does not appear to be optimum habitat for them.

Teneral Black-tailed Skimmer and Emperor.

Loads of Four-spotted Chasers were present and I believe that one of them fell prey to a marauding Emperor that appeared to struggle under the burden of its outsize catch. More Broad-bodied Chasers were noted, at least three males I think and a growing number of Black-tailed Skimmers are beginning to appear. Not for the first time Hairy Dragonflies teased bit did not perch and I may not get any photos of them this year. Much the usual selection of damsels were observed and it was nice to see so many Large Reds still about.

Dingy Skipper and Meadow Brown.

It seems as if butterflies are going through something of a lull at the moment and few were on the wing today. Highlight was my first Meadow Brown of the year, I think that this may be my earliest one ever. Other species seen in small numbers were Small Heath, Common Blue and a couple of Dingy Skippers. Not much else to report apart from several Sand Martins and a Buzzard being harassed by Carrion Crows near to the STW.

Buzzard with a spot of crow trouble.

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