Tuesday 31 March 2020


My workplace has put me on furloughed leave for at least the next three weeks which means that I now have quite a lot of time on my hands. While lockdown conditions persist I'll have to limit my nature spotting to whatever I can see in or from my garden and also on my exercise strolls. With car travel and the use of public transport a big no no it will be Shank's pony for the foreseeable future.

Blackthorn blossom and Weldon farm

Rest assured that I will not be posting details of every sighting or a summary of every walk but I will continue to report any interesting wildlife that I'm lucky enough to encounter. Stars noted from the garden whilst doing some much needed work were two Grey Wagtails and several Linnets. My daily exercise walk took me on a circular to Weldon where a singing Willow Warbler was a nice early one as I usually don't see them until the first week in April. The A43 pond had a couple of Canada Geese, three Tufted Ducks and six Gadwall.

Preening Tufted Duck and Robin.

The cooler wind seems to abating somewhat so we may well see a return to more Springlike conditions - fingers crossed!

Weldon woodland park.

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