Friday 27 March 2020

After Work

Just a brief post work stroll for my daily exercise ration today as I paid a visit to Southwood, Corby. While it was still very sunny a cool breeze may well prove to be a taste of the weekend to come if the forecast is any thing to go by.

Eurohub pond still looking dry and Comma.

I'd hoped to see a few new butterflies but instead had to settle for some familiar friends with Commas being the commonest of the three species noted, at least five were seen. Only a couple of Peacocks joined them on the list while just a single Small Tortoiseshell was found. Today turned out to be a very good day for Bee-flies with loads of them flying around.

Familiar faces.

No new bird migrants were seen today and only a single Chiffchaff was heard singing. Aside from this there was very little else to report which was perhaps not too surprising given that a couple of motorbikes were roaring about the place.

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