Monday, 2 March 2020


Having had a couple of quiet Mondays at Barnwell recently I decided that a change of scenery was in order and so went to Wicksteed Park instead. There were no major surprises today either though I did have an enjoyable stroll around the park.

Reed Bunting and Wren.

A Kingfisher was calling loudly along the River Ise, initially I couldn't find it though a pair did show later as they flew up and down the river. Also in good voice today were Reed Buntings, several were in song around the park and also at the adjacent Wicksteed Water Meadows. On the main lake there was the usual selection of birds though in reduced numbers, many dabbling ducks may well be feeding on floodwater elsewhere. Great Crested Grebes are beginning to look dapper in their Summer finery, I watched one catch and eat quite a sizeable fish.

Great Spotted Woodpecker and Buzzard.

The fishing lake was quiet too with just a brace of Tufted Ducks on view and a fly by Little Egret. A pair of Great Spotted Woodpeckers gave prolonged views and Wrens were more visible too as they fought to establish breeding territories. No sign of the Ring-necked Parakeet today and with little else of note I popped into town to check the church for Peregrines.

Great Crested Grebe, Marsh Marigold and Highland Cow.

The Kettering Peregrines have not been very obliging on my recent visits and it looked very much as if they were AWOL yet again as I couldn't see any when I first arrived. Deciding to hang around just in case they returned eventually payed dividends as both birds returned to the spire of the church giving some reasonable views. I was able to watch them for at least a quarter of an hour before heading off to catch my bus home.


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