Monday 16 March 2020


Having got back from Norfolk in good time it seemed a bit of a shame not to make the most of some early Spring sunshine. I took a walk over to my old patch near Corby sewage treatment works which is often a reliable spot for early butterflies.

Male Brimstone

A couple of singing Chiffchaffs and a barking Muntjac added a soundtrack to the walk as did the buzzing of bumblebees. My first butterfly sighting was of a male Brimstone which flew past without showing any signs of settling. Minutes later it or a second was seen though again it didn't stop, not too surprising as this species is often very active when it first emerges. Happily for me one did decide to take a break and I was able to get a few pictures as it perched on an ivy leaf. It was briefly joined by a second confirming my suspicion that at least two were on the wing this afternoon.


Not too far from here a Peacock was basking giving good opportunities for photography before it took off and did a disappearing act. My third species of both the day and the year was a Small Tortoiseshell which was sunning itself on dry grasses. It actually landed on my leg at one point for the briefest of moments before it too went on its way. By now I was content with my haul and went back to the weary world of viruses and toilet roll famine.

Small Tortoiseshell

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