Saturday 21 March 2020

A Short Stroll

Had a half day off from work today and so returned to the area near Corby STW to see what I could find. Some often hazy sunshine was offset to a degree by a stiff easterly breeze but I still hoped to find a butterfly or two flitting around. Things began promisingly enough when I caught a glimpse of a likely Small Tortoiseshell but that turned out to be that as far as butterflies were concerned.

Buff-tailed Bumblebee? and hoverfly.

Plenty of what I took to be Buff-tailed Bumblebees were buzzing around, Sallow flowers appear to be their most common source of nectar. A few of the early hoverflies that look like honey bees were also seen but there were few other insects around today, it might have been a little too cool for them.

Coltsfoot and Robin.

Other wildlife was in short supply too with several Muntjac being the pick of the mammals and half a dozen Teal the best of the birds. With the next few days looking decent weatherwise I'll be doing my social distancing in the countryside hoping to find a little more of interest.

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