Monday 30 March 2020


My daily exercise walk took me over to Brookfield Plantation where I enjoyed a mix of sunny spells and showers accompanied by a cool breeze.

Brookfield views.

No great surprises today, my highlight was a pair of displaying Sparrowhawk, it was a decent day all round for raptors as I also saw Buzzard, Red Kite and a Peregrine. A few Chiffchaffs were singing while a large flock of Redwings were also noted, a typical late March mix of birds. Of the other birds observed it was a Redpoll which was probably the best though a good selection of species were on view including Nuthatch.

Brookfield pond and Peregrine.

Three species of mammal were seen and they were Rabbit, Grey Squirrel and Fallow Deer, I don't get to see many native ones nowadays.

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