Sunday, 12 January 2020

Raven Bookends

I fancied another walk along the Nene today and so took the bus over to Earls Barton from where I walked along to Summer Leys and back. My day began well with a sighting of a Raven over Corby town centre, my first here and a bus tick too!

Stonechat and Gadwalls.

Mill Lake at Earls Barton GP held many Mute Swans and Tufted Duck with lesser numbers of Wigeon. Neighbouring Hardwater Lake had little on the water though a smashing male Stonechat showed well. Not much else to report until I got to the Leys where a fair selection of the commoner wildfowl were present. Pochard numbers seemed to have risen by quite a margin though this was offset by a lack of Teal.

Great White Egret, Wigeons and Mute Swan.

Rotary hide provided distant views of a Great White Egret, this is the third site that I've encountered them at in the county this year. My walk around the reserve had no further highlights apart from a calling Chiichaff until I reached the Screen Hide where a tip off helped me to get distant views of a drake Red Crested Pochard. Plenty of Shovellers from here too and a large number of Lapwings. A short stroll took me to the feeding station where I had to wait for a while before the reported female Brambling eventually showed. Across the road Mary's Lake seemed quiet though there were quite a few Goldeneyes including at least one displaying male.

Chaffinch, Brambling and Bullfinch.

From here I began my walk back getting closer views of the drake Red Crested Pochard though I couldn't find much else of interest. One final highlight did appear, a pair of vocal Ravens passed over Earls Barton as I waited for my bus, won't be long before they start nesting I would imagine.

Red Crested Pochard and friends.

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