Wednesday, 1 January 2020

2020 Vision

Although I had planned to go for a walk taking in Weldon, Deenethorpe and Deene my brother came up with a less strenuous plan that involved going over to Barnwell and looking for otters. We failed in our ottery mission but managed to find a few bits and bobs to look at.

Drake Mandarin and Marsh Tit.

Dull conditions prevailed but they served only to provide a contrast with the gaudy colours of a drake Mandarin Duck. He and his female companion were the first that I've seen in the park for a while. Other highlights included a single Redpoll and Marsh Tit though the park was getting increasingly busy which resulted in an early departure.

Robin and Wren.

Near to the marina a Water Rail was vocal and I even managed to catch a glimpse as it moved through waterside vegetation. Grey Herons, kites and a Buzzard were also seen along the river but overall it was a little on the quiet side. Our attempt to find Peregrine on the church sadly failed and so we returned to Corby.

Reed Bunting and pony.

My brother was kind enough to drop me off at Willowbrook Industrial Estate and I managed to find the pair of Stonechats that are wintering here. A few Redwings were also seen and I found the leucistic Carrion Crow that has been frequenting the Steel Road area of the estate. Time was by now moving on and a prior appointment meant that I had to return home.

Stonechat and Carrion Crow.

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