Monday 27 January 2020

Oundle Outing

After a couple of fairly decent days out it was back to more mundane fare today as I made one of my regular trips over to Barnwell CP. Not for the first time the otters and kingfishers failed to put in an appearance but the weather was too nice to let a tiny detail like that bother me.

Good numbers of Redwing were present early in the day, they may well roost in the park before heading out to feed in the nearby fields. Siskins were also showing well today, I was lucky enough to watch a flock of about fifteen birds feeding close to one of the paths. It seems as if Reed Buntings are growing in numbers, they've probably been forced to seek additional food as natural supplies dwindle. Plenty of the commoner passerines were showing well but there was little else of interest.

Nuthatch and Siskin

A scan of the church tower from beside the Nene produced a distant view of the Peregrine, sadly it had gone by the time I arrived back in town but it was nice to see it anyway. Elsewhere along the river the floods continue to host Wigeon, Shoveller and Teal while the flock of Lapwings appears to have grown, I estimated a flock of about six hundred birds was circling the floodwater. Little else of note today though memories of the blue skies should sustain me through any periods of murkier weather.

Stock Dove, Lapwings and Red Kite.

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