Saturday 18 January 2020

Nothing Cheesy About These Grins

A half day's holiday from work gave me the chance to enjoy the beautiful afternoon sunshine and the opportunity to check out the local Peregrines. Having failed to connect with any at their established spots at both Oundle or Kettering I hoped that the Corby birds at least might prove to be obliging.

Corby Peregrines it would seem are far more watcher friendly than their county cousins and I was lucky enough to see a pair of adults at one of their favourite lounging spots in the town. As is often the case the birds were seen distantly though well and I managed a few record shots. One of them decided to take flight and head off over Brookfield Plantation but the other stayed put and provided some sustained views.


Nearby Brookfield was very quiet, I didn't encounter any mixed flocks and bird numbers seemed very low. Buzzard and Sparrowhawk were both noted and a fly over Yellowhammer was a little unusual for this site while several Siskins were also observed. Perhaps as many as four Fallow Deer were found during my visit though for the most part they provided only brief views as they ran across the rides. I was a little pressed for time this afternoon meaning that I couldn't stay too long and so had to head home soon afterwards. Hopefully I'll have a little more time to spare tomorrow.

Fallow Deer.

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