Saturday, 25 January 2020

Many Happy Returns

It was the start of an altogether different year list today as I celebrated my birthday by heading over to Wellingborough. My intention was to repeat my walk along the Nene from the town's Embankment and just see what I could find.

Cattle Egrets

Leaving the many Mute Swans that frequent the river beside the mill behind I started my walk along the muddy track next to the river. A selection of the usual wildfowl were noted and there was also a Snipe. Highlights though were once again a small flock of Cattle Egrets frequenting the area near the large pit next to the viaduct. Five birds were present today and although they always kept their distance I had good views through the scope. Joining the Cattles were at least one Great White and several Little Egrets. Having informed someone else about the egrets I moved along to the pits beyond the viaduct where a single Great White Egret was the only bird of note.

Great White Egret

Returning towards Wellingborough I bumped into Alan Shorrock who had responded to my call and wanted to see the egrets. An Oystercatcher was noted at the lake nearest the lock and was my first of the year. We managed to catch up with the Cattles again and enjoyed prolonged albeit distant views as they fed amongst the ponies. A wandering chap with what appeared to be a can of booze flushed the egrets and practically everything else signalling that it would be a good time to leave.


Our journey home was broken by a stop at the Prologis Park near Kettering where there was a shortage of interesting wildlife today but plenty of potential for future visits. Apologies for the standard of the pictures but poor light and distance made for record shots of the distinctly dodgy variety!

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