Sunday, 20 May 2018

Wow, That was Pretty Good!

Plenty of sunshine again today and I opted to go for a stroll over at Priors Hall where I hoped to find some interesting insects. Within a minute or so of arriving I was greeted with sightings of both Dingy and Grizzled Skippers and things continued in a similar vein from there onwards.

Grizzled and Dingy Skippers loving the daisies.

Both skippers were present in very good numbers with Dingies in particular being common, over a hundred were seen while Grizzleds hit a more modest total of about thirty or so. Several Small Heaths, my first for the year, were seen but didn't hang around for pictures. Another insect that seemed to be doing very well today was Four-spotted Chaser, once again over a hundred were seen. It was interesting watching the behaviour of them around the ponds where both love and war seemed foremost  in their thoughts, it was hard to get a good picture as they wouldn't settle for long. Many shiny winged tenerals were making what I presume were their first flights and some of the landings looked more than a little dodgy!

Green Hairstreak and Four-spotted Chaser.

Another chaser stole the limelight somewhat and that was a male Broad-bodied which was a first for the year. I don't see many of these per year which is a shame as I think they might be my favourite UK species. Also about and trying to avoid the unwelcome attentions of the legions of Four-spots were half a dozen Hairy Dragonflies but sadly they had reverted to type and did not land.

Broad-bodied Chaser and Azure Damselfly.

Damsels were not ignored either with Large Reds and Azures being the commonest and plenty of mating behaviour was observed. While there were quite a few Blue-tailed going unobtrusively about their business it was a single male Common Blue that was my favourite, no doubt I'll get bored with them soon enough but for now they're still great.

Large Red Damselfly.

As the day warmed up a few more butterflies became active with the whites being among the more conspicuous. A female Brimstone joined Large and Green-veined White and there was also just a single Orange-tip. At least three Green Hairstreaks showed too, I really love that vibrant green on the underwing.
Common Blue Damsel.

Not much in the way of birds, plenty of Reed Warblers, Dabchicks on two ponds and a pair of Tufted Ducks but a call from a friend some time later had my brother and I heading out. A very fine sum plum White-winged Black Tern was showing at Eyebrook Reservoir and we had some nice but distant views. It's been a while since either of us had seen one so it was good to catch up with this individual. A bit of a bonus came too in the shape of an Osprey, we had good views of one passing low over the bridge, not a bad way to end the day.

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