Monday, 21 May 2018

Double Vision

What could possibly be better than one gorgeous summer plumaged White-winged Black Tern? Well I would say two White-winged Black Terns and reports of another bird joining yesterday's Eyebrook individual were enough to have me (and many others for that matter) heading back to the res this morning.
The stars of the show.

Both showed fairly well from close to Stoke Dry car park as they fed energetically in the company of three Black Terns. As well as being more attractive than the Blacks, no mean feat incidentally given how nice Blacks are, they were noticeably smaller too. A group of us stayed and watched them for quite some time and were eventually rewarded when both landed on the same buoy. Photos were of the strictly duff record shot order due to a combination of the distance involved and some heat haze but I've included a few here.

Further dodgy record shots.

It was a good day for raptors with the number of Ospreys, three, being matched by a similar trio of Hobbies. An immature Peregrine came through and there were the usual Red Kites and Buzzards.

A view from the bridge.

Before leaving there was time to pop down to the bridge to look for the reported Hairy Dragonflies, these are a very new arrival at the res having only been seen for the first time this weekend. Happily I was able to catch views of one and also got to hear a Cuckoo calling. On the butterfly side of things I saw my first Red Admiral since the January individual, perhaps the various Beasts from the East put paid to any hibernating ones? A nice morning and a good way of finishing what's been a good few days watching.

A final shot.

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