Friday 18 May 2018

Time for a Quickie.

For the second day running I went out after work though this time I opted for Southwood given that I was already going into the Tesco Extra store for weekend beers and the pond is so close to the store anyway

Azure and Blue-tailed Damselfies.

Dragons and damsels seemed to be in rather short supply though I think that perhaps the deep water and quite extensive vegetation around the pond may have retarded their development. At least two newly emerged Four-spotted Chasers were seen but they were the only dragon noted. Damsels were mainly connected to  waterside habitats and I managed to find a few Blue-tailed while Azures were commoner  but even then most of them were newly emerged tenerals, one of which chose to rest on my hand! Very little else on view ode wise and I headed out to the old railway line to look for butts'.

Dingy and Grizzled Skippers.

Having  moved on from the pond I had a quick look around the embankment where I sought out some  of the Spring butterfly specialities. A first for the year male Common Blue butterfly was the best species though it proved to be very camera shy. Slightly less shy were singles each of Speckled Wood,  and Small White  and  also four Grizzled and two Dingy Skippers.

Skipper mimic Mother Shipton moth.

With time passing and also with some things still to  do I couldn't hang around for much longer and so left the dragons, damsels and butterflies to their own.

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