Wednesday 9 May 2018

Spanish Travels Fourth and Final part - other stuff, bits 'n' bobs.

For some reason it was not that good for butterflies this year with few species and not that many individuals. Commonest were the whites with Small, Western Dappled, Clouded Yellow and Green-striped being fairly common while I saw one Moroccan Orange-tip too. Browns were represented by Wall, Speckled Wood and Spanish Gatekeeper A few Painted Ladies were noted though even these showy creatures were outdone by a precious few Spanish Festoons, perhaps my favourite species. The list was completed by Small Copper, Lulworth Skipper and Lang's Short-tailed Blue.

Small White, Wall, Western Dappled White and Spanish Festoon.

If butterflies were scarce then dragonflies were hen's teeth. Singles of Copper Demoiselle, Emperor and Iberian Blue-tailed Damsel were outnumbered by two or three Broad Scarlets and that was it. The only other wildlife noted was a solitary Rabbit, several small terrapins and a Pool Frog as well as that lizard in the Cattle Egrets beak near the bird reserve.
Broad Scarlet, Copper Demoiselle and well you know what it is!

I'm taking the chance to squeeze in a couple more bird pics that I couldn't fit in elsewhere.

Itchy Stonechat, Serin and Monk Parakeet.

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