Thursday 17 May 2018

Weldon Variables Again

With some decent sunshine on offer after work I decided to head over to Weldon for yet another stroll along the stream. While I was keen to see more Variables I was also interested in seeing whatever else the area might have to offer.

Variable, Azure and Blue-tailed Damsels.

On arrival at the site I was greeted by the first of rather many Azure Damsels and I began to photograph them all. By checking the pics as I took them I was able to detect three male Variables, at least two other observers struck lucky today too and they included the county recorder. Highlight amongst the other species were two Common Blue Damsels which were my first of the year. A few Banded Demoiselles were flitting amongst the vegetation, mainly females but at least one male too. Of the other species seen Large Reds were the commonest while the Blue-taileds included several of the violacea form.

Common Blue, Large Red and Banded Demoiselle.

Although there were at least two Red-eyeds in the nettle beds it was at the pond where the greatest numbers were present. The lilies had attracted an impressive gang of them and there were many mated pairs. Not too much else to report though several Orange-tips were seen.

Red-eyed Damsels and Orange-tip.

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