Thursday 24 May 2018

Weldon Variables Once Again.

Another after work trip down to Weldon where my main aim was to have a check on the Variable Damselflies. On my way down I saw a Holly Blue near the steelworks which was my second since Monday, I had another around my garden on the 22nd.

Variable views.

Plenty of Azures active next to the stream and there was also an increase in the number of Blue-tailed with three different colour forms seen. Banded Demoiselles are continuing their emergence with several red eyed newbies hanging around the nettle beds. My first view of Variables was of a male mating with an unidentified female which I believe may have been an Azure. Two further males were also noted and my first confirmed female, I haven't seen female Variables anywhere before. At least four Large Reds were also sitting out the afternoon on the nettles.

Blue-tailed variations.

At the pond many Azures and Large Reds ovipositing while numbers of Red-eyeds continue to increase. My first dragon of the year at this site, a Four-spotted Chaser showed well and hopefully will be joined by others soon.

Red-eyed Damsel and Banded Demoiselle.

Not many other butterflies noted today with only a few Orange-tips and a Large White seen while birds were represented by a singing Lesser Whitethroat.

Four-spotted Chaser.

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