Saturday 8 July 2023

Purple Rain

 Thunder, rain showers and cloud made for difficult viewing conditions today at Fermyn Wood where Alan Shorrock and I visited today. Yet another overly optimistic weather report fooled us into thinking that there would be more sunshine than there actually was but despite the odds we managed to see some interesting stuff.

Purple Hairstreak and Silver-washed Fritillary

A reasonable selection of the commoner species were on view during the dryer periods with Ringlets in particular showing well. At one point we watched a milling mass of them gathering around a female with at least seven or eight individuals present, it's the first time that I've seen anything like this before. Two or three Purple Emperors were watched as they patrolled the tops of several Oaks but they didn't come down and so I didn't get any pics. I had more luck with one of several Purple Hairstreaks as well as a couple of Silver-washed Fritllaries. There was little else to report apart from an Emperor dragonfly.

Ringlets, Comma and Red Admiral

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