Wednesday 5 July 2023

Brookfield Butterflies.

 An after work stroll in Brookfield Plantation produced a few butterflies even if the forecast sunny spells were a bit briefer than I'd hoped for. The main ride next to the entrance was most productive as many of the other rides were in shade by the time that I arrived.

Large and Small Skippers

Browns were far and away the commonest species with Ringlets in particular showing well, Meadow Browns and Marbled Whites were also present in reasonable numbers. Large Skippers also put in a good showing and they were joined by at least one Small Skipper. Other species on the wing were Red Admiral, Comma, Small Tortoiseshell and a Green-veined White. Not much else in the way of other wildlife was seen other than a first for the year Southern Hawker which sadly did not settle for any pics.

Small Tortoiseshell and Marbled White

On my way home I popped in to check on the local Peregrines and was rewarded with a view of one. Passing through Willowbrook Industrial Estate added Small Heath to my day list and further views of Small Skippers.

Juvenile Long-tailed Tit and Peregrine

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