A bit of local spotting today in the Corby and Weldon area where the weather pretty much played out as forecast. The morning was breezy but quite sunny before clouds began to build in the early afternoon leading to the odd drip of drizzle before I made my way home.
Southern Hawker and Small Copper |
Beginning at Weldon Industrial Estate I started my day with a half decent view of a Southern Hawker. Nearby Willowbrook Industrial played host to a couple of Emperors, a Brown Hawker and a good number of Common Darters. Gatekeepers were the commonest butterflies though Meadow Browns ran them fairly close. Other species included Common Blues but it was a Small Copper that stole the show. There were no birds to report aside from a few Meadow Pipits and I made my way to Priors Hall.
In the North Gullet a family party of Stonechats were a welcome discovery. A pair lingered long into Spring and it seems as if they had a good reason to do so! Stonechats are rare breeders in the county and I wouldn't normally reveal locations but this pair and their young are in a fenced off area closed to the public. Few other birds were noted but a few insects did show themselves. Best ode was a newly emerged Willow Emerald while the most interesting butterfly was a fresh looking Brown Argus.
By the time that I'd got round to the ponds the sun had all but disappeared and finding insects became increasingly difficult. Another Small Copper was a good discovery while both Ringlet and Marbled White may be the last that I see this year, both are coming to the end of their season. Six-spotted Burnet moths were drawn to knapweed and thistle flowers but by now as the clouds thickened I decided to pull the plug before the expected rain arrived.