Given the current advice regarding social distancing I chose to give public transport a miss and go for a walk instead. My wander took me as far as Harringworth Lodge Lake and while it did not deliver the most interesting of experiences it was still worth the effort. Starting off in temperatures hovering around the zero mark I was left feeling the heat by the time it got to noon as sunny conditions continued.
Peregrine and Fallow Deer. |
A Peregrine at its normal spot was the first point of interest, I saw it or another on my return journey. Brookfield Plantation was a little on the quiet side with the first of several Chiffchaffs being the only things of note. On reaching the other side of the wood I found a herd of Fallow Deer which took exception to my presence and headed back into the plantation at a rate of knots! My walk towards Gretton was fairly uneventful though it was good to hear several Lapwing displaying and the songs of both Skylarks and Yellowhammers.
Harringworth Lodge Lake and Cormorants. |
Harringworth Lodge Lake was very quiet with very few birds on the water, many of the wildfowl will have begun their northward migration by now. Still lingering in the countryside at the moment are flocks of both Fieldfares and Redwings while small numbers of Meadow Pipits were passing through. The return walk could not produce any birds of interest though I did see my first Bee-flies of the year.
Bee-fly and Marsh Tit |
By the time that I reached Brookfield again it was beginning to feel quite warm and there was a noticeable rise in insect activity. As well as bumblebees I saw my first Tawny Mining Bee and also managed to find a couple of butterflies. My first sighting was of a Small Tortoiseshell which flitted off almost as soon as I saw it. An encounter with a male Brimstone was typically fleeting as he flew past but at least my second view of a Small Tort was a little more lasting. I'd staked out a Sallow for a little while hoping for the best when a tatty looking torty appeared and spent the next ten minutes or so feeding before flying off With nothing else popping in during the following minutes I decided to call it quits and head off for home.
Insect selection. |