Monday 8 April 2019

Mainly Mandarins.

Another Monday visit to Oundle and Barnwell CP and a return to more mundane matters after yesterday's excitement. Just the usual stuff on view at Barnwell CP with no new migrants about and neither Kingfishers or Otters to report. The Cetti's Warbler is still here though it was the two pairs of Mandarins that provided most of the interest. As it is now school holiday time I left before the park got too busy.

Mandarins and Mute Swan nest.

The floods held two Redshanks in addition to Lapwings while numbers of both Wigeon and Teal are declining. As the floods still seem quite extensive at the moment they may yet bring more waders in as the Spring progresses For now at least though I was satisfied that I'd seen all that I was going to and I headed off back into town and caught my bus home.

Robin, Blackcap, Blue Tit and Lapwing.

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