Wednesday, 10 April 2019

After Work Quickie

Given that the sun was shining and it was quite pleasant in those spots lucky enough to be sheltered from the wind I decided to pop out after work for a bit of wildlife spotting. I didn't fancy going too far so opted for a short stroll over to the old patch near the sewage works.

Speckled Wood and its Comma foe, and a Peacock.

While there were few birds to report I did manage to catch up with a couple of butterflies. Best of a rather small bunch were a couple of Speckled Woods which were my seventh species for the year and my sixth in the county. The first was altogether too flighty and flitted off before I could manage a snap but the second was happy to pose. This one had the bad fortune to invade a Comma's favoured sun bathing spot and had to endure a spirited assault from which it sensibly chose to flee. Apart from these two species there was also a Peacock which had found a nice sheltered spot in which to catch a few rays.

Green Shield Bug and Tawny Mining Bee.

Several other insects were noted today and these included what I take to be a Tawny Mining Bee and also a Green Shield Bug (nothing to do with the stamps). Plenty of Bee-flies were still buzzing about and there were also a few wasps on the wing. With several errands to run I had to abandon ship after about an hour's watching.

Bee-fly and potential host.

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