Monday, 15 April 2019

Getting Better

After the relative dullness of yesterday's sortie I was relieved to enjoy a rather better session today. As has become my habit of late I headed over to Oundle for my customary wander along the Nene and around Barnwell CP.


Having been treated to a lovely sunrise I made my way to the park where a singing Willow Warbler was making itself heard. Chiffchaffs were present in very good numbers and so too were Blackcaps while the Cetti's Warbler was still singing. Several House Martins were my first in the county this year having had them earlier at Rutland Water. A drake Mandarin was my third of the morning as I'd already seen two more drakes at the north bridge. Although I enjoyed my stroll around the park it was beginning to get a little busier and so I headed off towards the river.

Chiffchaff, Blackcap and Wren.

A good sized flock of hirundines over the river near the mill contained all three of the commoner species with Sand Martins making up the bulk of the numbers. My first county Common Tern called loudly as it did several circuits of the marina, it's certainly starting to feel a little more like Spring. There were echoes of the Winter though with a Redwing noted as it fed in the horse paddocks.

Dunnock and Redwing.

The floods near the A605 had the same birds as on my last visit with the Little Ringed Plover still there though Redshanks were represented by only a single today. All of the birds were flushed by a passing Osprey which had the Lapwings racing skywards to intercept their unwelcome visitor. Whether it was due to the hostile reception or perhaps just because it had things to do the Osprey did not hang around and flew on along the Nene.

Green-veined White and Arum Lily.

Other wildlife today included a single Green-veined White but little else though I did see my first Arum Lilies of the year. Whilst waiting for my bus I was treated to my final highlight of the day when I noticed a tiny, possibly Peregrine shaped blob on the side of the church spire. The zoom on my camera confirmed my initial thought and I was able to get a few pictures. I'd assumed that this bird had moved on so it was a pleasant surprise to see him still holding court from his lofty perch.

Still about, male Peregrine.

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