Monday, 4 March 2019

Windy Wicksteed

A packed though thankfully prompt X4 took me over to Wicksteed Park this morning where the sun put in a welcome appearance. A stiff breeze, probably the remnants of last night's storm, dropped the temperature quite a bit but it was pleasant enough in the more sheltered spots.

Great Crested Grebes, Tufted Ducks and Teals.

Wicksteed did not provide many surprises though at least three Water Rails were present and I actually managed a brief glimpse of one albeit a flight view of a bird that I'd flushed from the lake side. Another victim of my flushy ways was a Snipe which zig-zagged away calling. Much the same wildfowl were present though Pochard numbers seem to have increased since my last visit. Great Crested Grebes are displaying at the moment and a pair on the fishing lake were going through some of their repertoire though they didn't do the full show.

Reed Bunting and Chaffinch.

Having left the park I headed to the church where I was hopeful of catching up with the Peregrine's that have been making it their home for at least the last few weeks. Initially I though that both were away hunting and was about to leave when first one then a second showed. The first which I think was probably a female gave only a brief flight view but another bird showed rather well.  Despite the bonging of the church bells this Peregrine appeared to be having a bit of a snooze even if the wind was giving it a less than sleek look. I left the bird to its slumber and went to hunt some prey of my own, two bacon rolls - yum.

Sleepy Peregrine.

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