Yet another glorious morning and I chose to spend it over at Barnwell CP and along the Nene at Oundle. Despite an early start I didn't manage to find either an Otter or a Kingfisher but despite this minor setback it was still a decent walk.
Nuthatch and Song Thrush. |
A Cetti's Warbler was singing at several different parts of the park and was my first here for some time. It was joined by at least three Chiffchaffs though these were the only migrants on offer today. Two pairs of Mandarin were present and there was also a pair of Egyptian Geese. Lots of passerine activity from Lowlands Hide where the Nuthatches in particular showed well.
Egyptian Goose and Mandarins. |
Sallow flowers along the river were attracting many different bees ranging from bumbles to solitary types. I wish that I knew more about them but at the moment I'm hopeless. Walking along to the flooded area near the A605 produced numbers of both Wigeon and Teal still, it won't be too long I'd imagine before they start heading northwards again. The Lapwings were joined by at least three Redshanks, I had three in view and could hear at least another. March seems to be a good month to find them here but I couldn't add any other wader species today.
Magpie, Dunnock and Blackbird. |
Despite the sunshine there was only one butterfly and that was a Peacock sunning itself on the wall of a house in Oundle town centre.
A selection of bees. |
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