Sunday 10 March 2019

Windy at the Leys.

This morning I took a trip on the X4 over to Earls Barton from where I walked on to Summer Leys. While the weather was somewhat dull and drizzly when I left Corby I was pleased to see it improving as the bus made its way through the Northamptonshire countryside.

Mill Lake and Great White Egret.

Mill Lake had a Great White Egret feeding on its margins and also a good quantity of diving ducks. I searched through them in case the Nene Valley Ring-necked Duck was about but I drew a blank. A Cetti's Warbler was singing from cover and was as loud and elusive as usual. Next door at Hardwater Lake there was another Great White as well as a pair of Oystercatchers and a Redshank.

Redshank and Oystercatcher and drake Wigeon.

The reserve at Summer Leys was a little on the dull side though wildfowl numbers seemed to be healthy. Yet another Great White was found, this time amongst the Cormorants on their favourite spit and I also found another pair of Oystercatchers. A good selection of the normal passerines were on view at the feeders though there were a lot more Reed Buntings than there have been on other visits this year. By now the wind was reaching almost gale force levels and I decided to beat a retreat.

Goldfinch and Bullfinch.

On the way back I found another sign of the incoming Spring when I saw a newly born foal with the ponies near Earls Barton Mill. If nothing else it in concert with a sheep's skull that I found earlier demonstrate that the circle of life rolls on.

The circle of life.

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