Friday, 29 March 2019


With the current mild and settled spell of weather forecast to be on the way out over the weekend I had to get out after work to make the most of it. As I wanted to spend more time watching rather than walking I decided to spend some time at the old patch near Corby sewage works.


While I couldn't find any new species I did enjoy watching the more established species going about their lives. Peacocks featured prominently with perhaps as many as fifteen being present. When they weren't basking in the warm sunshine or nectaring on sallow blossoms they spent their time pursuing each other at great speed. On several occasions they interacted with both Small Tortoiseshells and Commas, perhaps surprisingly the larger species did not always get the better of these encounters.

Small Tortoiseshell.

On the subject of those smaller species there were at least two each of Small Tortoiseshells and Commas. While the torts spent most of their time basking the Commas were really rather belligerent. Having found a favourable sun bathing spot they would defend it from all comers flying up to harass any other butterfly that foolishly entered their chosen territory.


There was not a huge amount of other wildlife on view today with the usual Chiffchaffs being joined by a Grey Wagtail and plenty of bee-flies included a mating pair.


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