Mild and sunny conditions after work were enough to persuade me to take a stroll over to my old patch next to the town's sewage treatment works. Mercifully the walk did not stink and I was able to catch up with some half decent wildlife.
Violets and Bee Fly. |
At least two Chiffchaffs were singing which suggests that they arrived in numbers over the weekend taking into account the four seen on Monday too. Only one other bird of note was found and that was a Kingfisher which as well as flying up and down the stream called in at the ponds. Plenty of violets were in flower, it's always nice to see these delicate little flowers.
Peacocks. |
For the first time since February I managed to catch up with some butterflies with Peacocks in particular putting in a strong showing. At least eight of this attractive species were on view with many looking to be in fine condition. While a Small Tortoisehell proved to be camera shy two Commas were not and both posed nicely. Spring is the time to catch up with Bee Flies and there were quite a few on the wing today.
One and three quarter Commas. |
A later on in the proceedings I managed to get a photograph of the moon which is apparently called a super worm moon. ( I believe that super refers to the moon rather than the worm!)
A super worm moon (apparently). |
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