Monday, 11 March 2019

Oundle Walk.

Not my most exciting walk by any means but it was still OK as I took my almost regular stroll around Barnwell CP and along the Nene at Oundle. Neither of Barnwell's stars were performing today though the Mandarins made up for that. As well as three in their usual spot near the bridge there was a quartet near the place where two of the lakes join. These birds showed very well and looked stunning in the sunshine and while the ducks are somewhat overshadowed by their gaudy mates they're still a very attractive bird. Plenty of passerines seen from Lowlands Hide where a large number of Reed Buntings were present. A singing Chiffchaff may well have been an early migrant as this species's arrival date seems to get earlier with each passing year.


Oundle Mill had a pair of Egyptian Geese, these will probably breed soon as this species is an early nester. A male Kingfisher was seen on the Nene near the marina, it sounded as if another was near by. Walking along a bit further brought me to the floods near the A605 where the Wigeon and Teal had been joined by a few Shovellers. What might be the first passage wader of the Spring here in the shape of a Green Sandpiper was noted while the regular Lapwings were also seen.

A few of today's stars.

I popped into the churchyard to have a look whether the Peregrine was around but he was either out hunting or has perhaps moved on.

Rabbit and Red Kite.

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