Sunday 5 May 2024

Wicksteed Variables

 Another cracking day and another bus trip, this time I chose to pay a visit to Ketrin where I popped in to Wicksteed Park before heading to the town centre. My main goals were to look for Variable Damselflies and also to check on the local Peregrines, I met with success in both cases.

Variable and Azure Damselflies

Not many birds were on offer at Wicksteed, there were the usual Cetti's, a few Reed Warblers and a Common Tern and that was just about it. Butterflies too put on a fairly poor show, a few knackered looking Peacocks were joined by several Green-veined Whites, a couple of Brimstones and an Orange-tip. Thankfully damselflies more than did their bit and the commonest species was Variable with over thirty being seen. A few Azures were mixed in with the Variables and I also saw a Large Red and my first Red-eyed of the year. With the volume coming from the increasing number of brats beginning to rise I opted to head off towards the town where I was lucky enough to see one of the regular Peregrines at its usual spot. After a quick spot of breakfast it was time to head home on the sometimes trusty X4.

Red-eyed Damselfly and Peregrine

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