Monday 20 May 2024

Monday Blues

 The weather was pretty decent when I left work today and that made my decision to go for an after work saunter a relatively easy one. I began in the village where I took a stroll along the stream, not much on offer other than some Azures and a Large Red Damselfly. Moving on I headed towards Willowbrook Industrial Estate and the railway embankment accessed from Cockerell Road. Common Blues and Small Heaths were the most obvious species on view though I did see but didn't manage to photograph a Green Hairstreak. Not much else of interest was seen so I headed off towards Brookfield Plantation.

Large Red Damselfly, Common Blue and Peregrine

I took a little diversion on the way to check on my local Peregrines, luck was with me as I managed to see the female. Brookfield held a small selection of butterflies of which the pick was Dingy Skipper. Amongst the other species a Comma and a male Orange-tip were probably the best on show. I had several brief views of a likely Four-spotted Chaser but couldn't confirm it and the only ode that I could I.D with certainty was Azure Damselfly. On my way home I added Holly Blue and Speckled Wood to my day list near to the power station but did not see much else worthy of note.

Dingy Skipper, Comma and Holly Blue

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