A morning excursion to Priors Hall this morning delivered some quality butterfly watching in the sunny conditions particularly in those spots that were sheltered from what was a pretty stiff breeze. Having got off the bus at Weldon I walked past the quarry lake where the grebes are still present and the Sand Martin colony appears to thrive. On arrival at the ponds I could hear both male and female Cuckoos calling which provided my birding highlight of the day, I'm not so sure that the local Reed Warblers were quite so appreciative however!
The grassy area near the entrance provided my first views of Small Heath and Dingy Skippers while just a little further along I noted a Grizzled Skipper. I had further sightings of all these species with Dingies in particular putting on a good show. My first odes were Azure and Large Red Damselflies, there were large numbers of both species on site. Commonest dragon was Four-spotted Chaser, many are still maturing away from their breeding ponds but more and more are returning to those same ponds and trying to defend territories. Joining them were a few Hairy Dragonflies while a single male Broad-bodied Chaser was at a pond in the quarry. The only other ode on show was a Blue-tailed Damselfly. Speckled Woods appear to be increasing again and there were over ten on show with many battling their neighbours as they look to establish their own territories.
Whilst leaving the site I spent a little time looking for Green Hairstreaks and was lucky enough to find several egg laying females. With the discovery of Brown Hairstreak eggs in the south of the county by Brian Laney and Dave James we now have the chance to see all five species of British Hairstreak in Northants so I was glad to get this attractive species under my belt. While trying to get a pic of one of the hairstreaks I was distracted by my first Common Blue of the year, a further three were seen before I bailed out. I made my excuses at around noon as I had a lunch date with my wife and the promise of good food and a pint or two was just too good to pass on.
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