Saturday 3 February 2024

Peregrine Saves The Day

 Before I get on with the business  of today I'd just like to take us back to Thursday when a post work bonus got February off to a good start. Having left work I was already feeling fairly positive as I strolled down Longcroft Road on my way home. My route takes me past South Wood and the distinctive call of a Crossbill coming from a clump of pine trees had me peering towards the spot where at least one bird was present. I couldn't confirm how many were there but it was good to catch up with at least one so close to home.


Today I only journeyed as far as Wicksteed Park where, if I'm honest, I didn't see much at all. At least two Cetti's Warblers were singing but they were the only birds of note. Realising that it was going to be "one of those days" I decided to head into town and chance my luck with the local Peregrines. Here I was a bit more fortunate as I found one bird sheltering out of the wind. I stayed long enough to take a few pics but after that I chose to head for home as I had quite a busy schedule ahead of me. Not every day can be as entertaining as I'd like but I'm always glad to see a Peregrine.

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