Alan Shorrock and I began the day at Grendon Lakes where an attempt to find the reported Scaup came to nothing. From here we moved on to nearby Summer Leys where things picked up a little bit but not by much! Although the day began with plenty of sunshine things gradually deteriorated and rain began to fall by mid afternoon.
There was a good sized flock of Pochard at the Leys and good numbers of Shoveller too but that was it as far as interesting wildfowl went. A reasonable sized flock of Golden Plover dropped in and there were a couple of Snipe as well though a single Oystercatcher stole the show as it was my first of the year. Passerine interest was limited with a female Siskin at the feeders being the pick of a limited selection. A first bumble bee of the year offered some hope that spring is on the way though I suspect that there's plenty of winter to get through first.
Realising that the birding was not likely to improve we headed off into Wellingborough for a first look at the Coach and Horses pub. First impressions were pretty favourable and a return is more than likely, it's nice to know that if birding lets you down there's always beer to retrieve the situation!
Shoveller. |
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