Saturday 17 February 2024

Eyebrook Excursion

 I popped over the border today in the company of Alan Shorrock where we endured rather dank and grey conditions interspersed with the odd spot of drizzle. Water levels are high at the moment and recent rainfall means its more than likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. Duck numbers seem fairly low though there were still a few interesting bits and bobs to be found amongst them.

1st winter drake Scaup

An immature drake Scaup was noted off the plantation, this bird has been present at the reservoir since early January but I hadn't seen it until now. It showed rather distantly and the resulting record shots were rather poor but I managed to get some decent scope views of it. On either side of the island we found five Smew of which three were drakes. These were a little closer than the Scaup and as a result the record shots were a little better. Not much else to report other than nearly a hundred Golden Plovers, eight Dunlins and a Snipe at the sharp end.

Smew and Golden Plovers

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